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BikeWalk Alexandria - Alexandria's Voice for Pedestrian and Bicycling Safety

Get involved in making Alexandria better for bicycling and walking!

Join the local advocacy group. Alexandria grows in population every day as commuters traverse through and to the City. New developments still are designed with a concentration on motorized vehicle flow, frequently neglecting the impact of pedestrians and bicyclists. BikeWalk Alexandria is chartered to represent the concerns of pedestrians and bicyclists. We promote pedestrian and bicycle safety throughout the City through various initiatives. One of our goals is a more enjoyable community with reduced motorized traffic.

The next monthly meeting will be April 18th, 2011 7pm-9pm, at the Durant Center, 1605 Cameron Street, Alexandria VA.

Stay current on Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Issues and meeting announcements by subscribing to the BikeWalk Alexandria's e-mail list serve. You can do this by providing your email address to the list serve at:

The city of Alexandria also has monthly meetings of the Alexandria Pedestrian & Bicycle Citizens' Group which basically consists of many of the same people. This group advises the city on pedestrian and bicycle issues. Their meetings are on the first Monday of every other month - the odd months. Information on the city sponsored group can be found on:

Join us and help identify topics on Walking and Bicycling within Alexandria. We look forward to hearing from you on the list serve or seeing you at one of our meetings.

For additional information you can email Jerry King at: An Alexandria Bike to Work participant